Sunday, December 4, 2011

Where have you been cupcake girl!

As some of you may remember I am working with a limited amount of internet access. Typically this means just near the end of the month, I have to stop posting for a week or so until my billing cycle starts again on the third of each month. However this month I was using my internet to catch up on this season of Dexter and the previous season of Weeds. I thought after I used all my internet I would simply tether off of my husband's phone. Unfortunately he used all his internet as well and I haven't been able to update in what feels like a year! So let's catch up. As far as the cupcake challenge, my niece and I won. I will be posting that recipe and pictures from the challenge right after this post. As far as my Christmas flavor Cupcake, my first recipe did not produce a result in which I was 100% happy with. I still found them very tasty, but not what I was shooting for. I will post the recipe, however this week expect to see a second version of the cupcake. So I'll get to posting right now! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and if you made the pumpkin or apple pie cupcakes as I did, I hope they were a big hit!

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