Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What Would You like to See?

I've been making so many changes, mostly do to trail and error. I try one thing and I have to re-do it several times because it doesn't look right or doesn't function the way I had hoped. With the hopes of being your event food planning blog, and cupcake stop I would like to have things linked in categories. First by course and then perhaps by Holiday at some point, or just have that Holiday link show up when we are closing in on it.  What would you like to see on the blog? Do you find it easy to navigate? Are there things you are not seeing that you would like to see? Leave a comment with your ideas. I obviously can't promise I will use them, but I am interested in what you have to say, and I will consider every suggestion, even if only for a moment.


  1. I think you should just go with whatever you like the best. :) So far you are doing great especially with how new your blog is.

    Keep it organized and I will keep coming back!

  2. Hey,this is duder from Starbucks,I told you i was a website genius,take a look at my online univ.i posted the kitschy link code,see ya @bucks!yay

  3. http://www.dudercandoit.com/class/
