Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blueberry Pancake Cupcakes with Maple Bacon Frosting

Blueberry Pancake Cupcakes with a Maple Bacon Butter Cream Frosting

20 minutes in a 350 oven makes about 18 cupcakes
1 stick softened butter
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup butter milk
1 teaspoon Vanilla
4 eggs (room temperature)
1 cup frozen blueberries (thawed) (large berries work best)
In a large bowl beat butter until creamy, add sugar. Mix for 3 minutes. Add one egg at a time, mixing in between each. In a separate bowl, combine flour and baking powder. In a measuring cup, measure out the butter milk, and add vanilla. Add a third of the flour and baking soda to the butter, egg and sugar mix. Mix well. Add a third of the buttermilk and vanilla mix, and mix well. Continue to add the wet and dry, alternating and adding in thirds. Add blueberries and mix. Scoop mix in to baking cups. These do not rise very much, so fill the baking cups almost to the top for best results.
Bacon Maple Frosting
2 sticks softened butter
1/4 cup  maple syrup (or your favorite pancake syrup)
3 cups confectionery sugar
6 strips of bacon
1/4 cup of pan drippings (bacon grease from bacon)
In a saute pan, fry up 6 strips of bacon until crispy, poor dripping in to a measuring cup. If you do not have 1/4 of a cup, it's okay. Your frosting will be a bit less baconish, but still yummy.
Beat butter, until soft and creamy, beat in bacon grease and syrup. Add sugar one cup at a time to taste. I prefer 3 cups, but for a sweater frosting, you can add up to 6.
Frost cooled cupcakes and use bacon to crumble on top of each.


  1. They really were! I'm looking for an excuse to make them again.

  2. My daughter wanted a blueberry cake for her birthday. I remember seeing these and decided to throw her (and everyone else) for a loop. I ended up having to make another batch because everyone at her party loved them so much. I found my healthy, wont eat any sweets mother in law eating 3 of them. They were a HUGE hit!!!!
